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Versatile Tieco Ty-Up® Ties have 100’s of industrial, commercial and home uses. Tieco Ty-Up® Pallet and Drum Strapping has been used by industry and warehouse operations for decades to ensure safe and secure loads without the time and expense of ratchet straps and the waste associated with plastic stretch and shrink wraps. Tieco has supplied the sewn products industry with time and labor-saving bundle Ty-Up® Ties for over 100 years! Ty-Up® Ties fasten quickly and easily with a strong hold that also make them the ideal tie-down solution to all sorts of outdoor and home uses.

ORDER TY-UP TIES TODAY! 877-889-6540


Clip 1


Hook length: 1 3/8"
Hook width: 9/16"
Cord diameter: 5/64"
Standard length: 4"

Clip 2


Hook length: 1 5/8"
Hook width: 7/8"
Cord diameter: 1/8"
Standard length: 5"

Clip 3


Hook length: 2"
Hook width: 1 3/16"
Cord diameter: 5/32"
Standard length: 6"

Clip 4


Hook length: 2 5/8"
Hook width: 1 1/2"
Cord diameter: 1/4"
Standard length: 12" & 15"


Ty-Up Benefits

We all have a job to do. The question is, how do we do it quickly and easily as possible? How do we do it safely? How do we do it without spending a fortune in the process? And do we do all this while being responsible to our communities and the planet?

Tieco-Unadilla Ty-Up® Ties are a time-tested solution for a whole range of material handling applications. For over 125 years, we have manufactured our reusable, high-quality bundle and pallet/drum ties for a variety of industrial material handling applications.

Created by a man who was frustrated by the time, inefficiency, and waste he witnessed while watching rail-workers handle mail in the 1890's. Ty-Up® Ties are just as relevant today! Contact us to find how Ty-Up® Ties can help you in your operation.

"The thought came that there could be a device made that would tie or untie a string or rope with one motion and that it could be used over and over again."

Ty-Up Benefits Marzy Ward

- Marzy Ward, circa 1892
   Inventor of Ty-Up

How They Work

How They Work Image